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The 12 week glute guide is a glute building/toning program that focuses on TWO intense leg/glute workouts per week of training & the program is gym based using common gym equipment. I also emphasize doing cardio/ high intensity interval training regime for three times of the week which will help keep your legs/glutes toned and shapely to compliment the 2 resistance training workouts to shape your backside. There are videos that accompany each workout so you can fully understand the proper form and have a visual representation for each exercise.
I also briefly touch on nutrition included as my Healthy EATS ebook as an essential key to growing your glutes through these 12 weeks of training. This program is designed to challenge you and offer a structured and innovative way to train to help you get the results you are looking for! For more information be sure to check out my FAQ section on my website!
Common gym equipment required that is found in most gyms:
Barbells, Free Weights, Bench, Swiss ball, and Cable Machine
Leg Press Machine
Leg Curl Extension